May 8, 2020

Photography for quinceañeras in Cuba. A controversial tradition.

The tradition of fifteen-year-old parties finds its origins in the most remote history of the Latin American continent. During their childhood, women were taught domestic work, how to care of children, and so on. From the  age of fifteen it was considered they were ready for adult life. At the beginnings it was a sort of presentation activity among the young people.

While this tradition that has been lost in some nations of the continent, in others there are strong tendencies to the growth of this practice. The ways to celebrate have been adapting to new times and the most particular tastes.

 A long list of  services have appeared to personalize the arrival of the girls to this new stage of life. Each girl dreams of this celebration, either an elegant dance, a day of swimming pool under the tropical sun, an intimate celebration surrounded by family and friends. From a classic style Valls to a beach destination all agree on something and it is in their quinceañera's photos.

These photographs are characterized by a wide variety of hair and makeup styles. Tours are also performed to make use of the historic center of the city, thas has many incredible photo-worthy places inside it, and in some cases photos in classic cars. Photos are popular in urban spaces, including graffiti or doing shopping around the city, photographs are taken in deteriorated constructions, or more modern buildings. For some time the girls are not the only consumers of this service.

Boys do not stay behind and already choose to immortalize the arrival of this special stage of life. They don't do any  less. Just as girls do, they also become protagonists, wearing elegant outfits, varied locations, at last, nothing to envy the female festivities.
 The most diverse options are designed to take more and more creative photos with original compositions, always in tune with the demands and expectations of the girls arriving at fifteen years.

What about you? How do you want your fifteen photos? 

Do not hesitate to contact to advise you in the search. 
They have a wide network of professionals who will focus on making your dream come true.

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