October 24, 2021

Wedding trends in Cuba

Wedding trends in Cuba

Intimate, sophisticated, romantic, emotional and full of a thousand details, that's how many girls want their weddings to be. Many brides wish their day to be straight out of a fairy tale. The premises for this type of event are: quality food, professional entertainment and exquisite decoration.

In recent months, ecological weddings have been imposed with great force. Perhaps because of the awareness about the environment and the change of concepts of many people about the need of nature and its environments for harmony.



What are ecological weddings?

They are environmentally friendly wedding ceremony. Luckily we are increasingly aware of this imperative need. Social sustainability should not be a dead letter for any human being.



Minimal decorations: a return to the classics

Weddings loaded with elements, with a design studied in detail, striking colors and complex narratives that seemed to be a trend in recent years will give way to minimalist decorations, much more informal and carefree. “We believe that if this past year has taught us anything, it is to focus on what is truly important, to surround ourselves with calm, welcoming and timeless environments.


Aesthetics is still one of the main elements to take into account when organizing a bridal event. Thus, the trends in wedding decoration  generate expectation in all couples who plan to get married in the coming months. On this occasion, many of these trends will be influenced by the current situation: the return to the basics, the commitment to more relaxed weddings, outdoor events and, above all, highlighting what really matters. That is, the ornate elements and excessive decorations that had reigned in recent years will be absent.

As for the trends that will reign in table decorations, floral compositions, lighting and other elements, nobody like the experts in wedding decoration and organization to solve all our doubts.


Wild decorations and seasonal flowers

If you visit the most acclaimed Instagram profiles in the field of events and weddings, you will see how well-kept, orderly and highly studied floral installations have been disappearing in favor of more carefree assemblies and much wilder decorations, which are committed to imitating the natural appearance of the flowers in the field. “Here we are always in favor of going with nature and staying away from the trend. Seasonal flowers, with colors typical of each season of the year. Naturalness goes through this, by not forcing a style in a place and time of year in which it is not natural. In addition, this year, flowers play on all grounds and are welcome in any space. "They appear on ceilings, trees, fountains ... Any element is subjective to be decorated with flowers.


The big trend in outdoor weddings: tree lighting

Lighting can change absolutely everything. Where many wedding planners opt for much more complex installations and setups than those we have seen so far. There is an element that stands out especially in this area is the lighting in trees. Hanging lamps, cluster bulbs or simply indirect lighting play a very important role to delimit spaces, trees are the great allies in outdoor weddings to play with lighting and create unique spaces.

And you, how do you want your wedding?

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